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ScalpMED® Blog

If you suffer from hair loss or hair thinning, one of your highest priorities is likely finding the right product or treatment program to regrow your lost hair. Hair loss and hair thinning often result in individuals experiencing a loss of confidence due to their changing appearance. Finding a solution to reverse hair loss and…

If you suffer from hair loss or hair thinning, finding a safe, simple way to increase the thickness of your hair can be a challenge. The number of available hair thickening treatment options can be staggering, making it difficult to figure out which are the best hair thickening products. If you want to grow thicker…

Finding the right methods to implement into your daily routine to promote hair regrowth is a daunting task due to the volume of different tactics you can utilize and the conflicting information available about their effectiveness in stimulating healthy hair growth. If you are suffering from hair loss or hair thinning, you have likely explored… Read More

The post How to Use Hair Oil For Growth appeared first on Scalp MED.

“People are really impressed with my hair regrowth.  They can’t believe it’s only been 2-months, and it’s already changed a lot.  I’m still keeping a level head.  I’m not going to let it fully sink in until I’m done, but I’m getting really good results. It is 60 days in, and my hair is looking really good.  Even…

“After three months I’ve seen a lot of progress.  I see a lot less light bounce off my dome. There’s more hair there.  I also do the shampoo to stimulate it, and I’m pleasantly surprised and looking forward to the next three months to see if it just keeps going.  I’m already telling people about…

“Yes, after one month in this treatment of ScalpMed, it’s been going amazing.  I’m ecstatic about the results, and my girl, she likes it.  I’m getting stares again.” -Xavier Mendoza “I had this kind of like partition here in the top portion of my head. That was a major concern. Because I didn’t intentionally part…
