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ScalpMED® Blog

“Nobody in my family has ever had thinning hair, that I’ve known, and so, I’m kind of the first one that I’ve noticed, and it’s upsetting to me, to be honest with you.” -Marc Mahoney “I didn’t expect too much after 30 days, to be honest with you. I was like, you know, even if this product…

“I think in a month, if what Shane says is right, that thicker hair on the base will grow a little longer, and in a month, it’ll be half-an-inch longer, I have a feeling, you watch, that it’ll be thicker.” -David Frison “I’m still a little skeptical because of the fact that my hair’s long,…

“My son came up, totally unsolicited, and just told me that, wow, Dad, your hair looks like it’s getting thicker.  And I don’t think he knows I’m doing this.  I don’t think I mentioned it to him.  So, that was really — for that just to come out of the blue.” -Chuck Edger “I was…

“I’m definitely self-conscious about it, is everyone looking at it, is everybody noticing it, were they talking about that, what are they whispering about, were they making fun of me, what can I do?  I can’t help it.  I’m 22.” -Zack Daly “There is a little bit of growth at the crown, feeling very hopeful,…

“It is completely obvious that all the follicles in the hair population are growing, and you can see how weak hair is getting stronger and more abundant.  So, it’s really amazing.” -Gustavo Chanampa “It’s growing very consistently.  The follicles are getting stronger and I can see that there is more hair population in the scalp,…

“I’ve also used some of the chemicals that are out there now, products, re-growth products that are out there. And they helped a little bit, but not really anything of significance.” -Dustin Burrows “I feel good.  I am confident that my hair’s growing.  I can see on the computer that there’s new hair growing, and…
