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ScalpMED® Blog

“After three months I’ve seen a lot of progress.  I see a lot less light bounce off my dome. There’s more hair there.  I also do the shampoo to stimulate it, and I’m pleasantly surprised and looking forward to the next three months to see if it just keeps going.  I’m already telling people about…

“Yes, after one month in this treatment of ScalpMed, it’s been going amazing.  I’m ecstatic about the results, and my girl, she likes it.  I’m getting stares again.” -Xavier Mendoza “I had this kind of like partition here in the top portion of my head. That was a major concern. Because I didn’t intentionally part…

“When I have really long hair, it’s very curly, and lots of women envy me for that, because they’ll spend on a fortune on trying to get their hair curly, when it happened to me naturally. So, yeah, I don’t want to lose my hair. It is my one vanity piece. That is my vain. I’d admit it.…

“Nobody in my family has ever had thinning hair, that I’ve known, and so, I’m kind of the first one that I’ve noticed, and it’s upsetting to me, to be honest with you.” -Marc Mahoney “I didn’t expect too much after 30 days, to be honest with you. I was like, you know, even if this product…

“I think in a month, if what Shane says is right, that thicker hair on the base will grow a little longer, and in a month, it’ll be half-an-inch longer, I have a feeling, you watch, that it’ll be thicker.” -David Frison “I’m still a little skeptical because of the fact that my hair’s long,…

“My son came up, totally unsolicited, and just told me that, wow, Dad, your hair looks like it’s getting thicker.  And I don’t think he knows I’m doing this.  I don’t think I mentioned it to him.  So, that was really — for that just to come out of the blue.” -Chuck Edger “I was…
