When it comes to your hair loss, you might get to a point where you’re willing to try anything. Well boy, do we ever have the post for you! There are a lot of hair loss success stories out there, and some claim crazy methods. So, if you’re wondering what regrows hair and desperately trying to find results, you may want to give these methods a shot.
Silk Pillow Cases
It’s time to get rid of those cheap cotton pillowcases and splurge on nicer silk ones. Cotton causes friction, which can weaken your hair. By switching to silk, you’ll likely find less hair on your pillowcase in the morning when you wake up.
Air Drying
Ditch the hair dryer. In fact, ditch any of your heat-based styling products. Try giving your hair a rest from these tools. Applying heat directly to your hair weakens your hair follicles, making them susceptible to breakage. Letting your hair dry naturally gives you the best shot at damage-free hair.
Scalp Med Follicle Detoxifier
Research shows that build-up of oils and cholesterol around the interior walls of your hair follicles can create a breeding ground for bad bacteria. The bad bacteria can damage your hair follicles and prevent you from being able to properly grow your hair. This detoxifier is specifically designed to break up residue and clean out your hair follicles in a way that shampoo can’t. It also contains deep moisturizing properties that help promote hair thickness.
Hanging upside down increases the blood flow to your head, which can be thought to cause your hair follicles to stimulate growth. Try lying with your head off the end of your bed or practice a headstand for a few minutes each day.
Scalp Massages
A nice, vigorous scalp massage when you wash your hair is another way to stimulate your follicles and increase blood flow to your head. You can combine this with the inversion method to boost the stimulation even further! This one is easy to build into your routine and produce results.
Herbal Rinse
Herbal hair rinses can nourish and condition your hair with nutrients. The reetha-shikakai rinse is a popular choice, but you can create your own at home. The following herbs are all great for your hair: chamomile, amla, shikakai, hibiscus, rosemary, marigold, lavender, fenugreek (methi), lemon, orange, amla, sage, reetha, horsetail, nettle and mint.
Loose Hair Styles
Avoid tight hair styles! Ponytails, braids and other tight styles tug at your roots, which can actually lead to hair loss. If you’re someone who is always putting your hair into a tight style, your hair may stop growing in the areas it is being pulled from the most, causing a bald patch. Try to spread out your tight styling and wear your hair in more relaxed styles as often as you can.
Balayam is a popular practice in Indian culture and among holistic medicine. The belief is that when you rub your fingernails together five to 10 minutes every day, you can stimulate the growth of thick, healthy hair. You should rub briskly, only with your fingers, not your thumbs. As with most holistic therapies, balayam has no scientific backing, but heck, why not give it a shot?
Stress is one of the biggest causes of hair loss. Try to take 10 minutes out of your day to meditate and try to lower your stress. You might find yourself becoming more mindful and able to focus better as a result too! Relaxation and breathing, those are easy enough strategies to help regrow your hair, right?
There you have it, 9 unique ways to regrow hair. Of course, these methods may vary in their effectiveness but they certainly can’t hurt to try.