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Turmeric & Other Vitamins to Help Hair Regrowth & Prevent Hair Loss

Turmeric & Other Vitamins to Help Hair Regrowth & Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss is a natural side effect of aging or stress, and it can also be caused by a hormone imbalance or vitamin deficiency. Its common occurrence doesn’t make it any less embarrassing or distressing. The good news is that there are plenty of natural remedies to counteract hair loss. In fact, with proper nutritional supplements, hair can come back in stronger, shinier, and healthier than ever.

The Power of Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice known for its vivid yellow color and aromatic flavor. It often appears in Asian cuisines. But did you know that turmeric has therapeutic powers as well? It’s played a large role in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and rituals for skin and hair care for centuries, restoring balance to the body and promoting overall wellness.

Turmeric’s “magic power” comes from its core compound, curcumin. Turmeric is the only dietary source of this compound. This natural substance has a wide range of health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powers. In traditional medicine, turmeric was said to aid digestion, detoxify the body, and even help wounds heal. Recent research has shown that turmeric — more specifically, curcumin — can stimulate hair growth. In fact, some studies have indicated that it may be an effective treatment for androgenic alopecia. Moreover, this substance supports overall wellness, which, in turn, can stimulate hair growth.

The Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin for Hair

Turmeric has long been known to support the immune system. This means it can minimize the effects of the autoimmune disease alopecia, which causes hair loss. However, you don’t have to suffer from alopecia to experience the benefits of turmeric for hair growth. In general, a healthy system with well-balanced hormones will support your body’s natural regenerative functions.

The Role of Turmeric in Hormonal Regulation

For example, a drug called finasteride, which bears chemical similarity to curcumin, has been shown to stimulate hair growth among alopecia patients. This is because finasteride reduces the body’s conversion of testosterone into DHT, which happens via the enzyme 5-AR. This enzyme effectively shuts down hair follicles, limiting their capacity to grow new hair. Conversely, limiting the production of DHT can help keep those follicles active.

The problem is that finasteride tends to have some unpleasant side effects, while curcumin, via turmeric, naturally supports the body’s ability to regulate DHT and 5-AR. As a result, the follicles may remain active or even “turn on,” leading to hair growth.

People who experience hormonal imbalance due to aging, stress, or certain drugs may benefit from turmeric and curcumin, which can help keep hair follicles active and promote overall regenerative activity in the scalp.

Turmeric’s Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Often, hair loss occurs due to skin disorders, most commonly dermatitis. In this uncomfortable condition, the scalp becomes inflamed, dry, and itchy, effectively blocking the growth of new hair and causing existing hair to fall out. Dermatitis can be caused by fungal infection, autoimmune responses, stress, or general irritation. As mentioned above, turmeric can quell the effects of autoimmune diseases, but it also reduces inflammation overall. This means that it can promote a healthier scalp — which, in turn, produces more, thicker hair.

In general, reducing inflammation throughout the body encourages general wellness, and a healthy body is one that maintains its natural systems. When the body is under stress, non-essential functions such as follicle activity fall by the wayside, causing hair loss and lack of hair growth.

How Turmeric Promotes VItamin D Absorption

Vitamin D deficiency is quite common, especially as many people spend more time inside, and this condition can lead to slowed hair growth or even hair loss. Thankfully, curcumin helps activate vitamin D receptor genes, which means that it can help your body better absorb this vital nutrient. These genes also play a large role in hair’s growth cycles. When turned “on,” they start a hair growth cycle that can produce new strands.

Turmeric’s Antioxidant Benefits

As our bodies age and are progressively exposed to free radicals from the sun, chemicals, or other sources, our cells tend to experience changes through a process called oxidation. A suntan is an easily recognizable sign of external sun damage, and as we all know, deeper, lasting damage can lead to sunburns and even skin cancer. Antioxidants help defend the body against free radicals that can alter or shut down cellular activity.

Your scalp is among the most delicate parts of your skin, and often, we neglect to protect it from the sun. As follicles become damaged, they eventually shut down activity, leading to hair loss. Promoting your overall scalp health and protecting it from free radicals can protect your hair and even stimulate new growth. However, sunscreen isn’t enough. By consuming natural antioxidants such as turmeric, you can help keep your scalp — and all your skin — healthy and productive.

Making Turmeric Part of Your Regimen

Curcumin on its own isn’t easily absorbed by the digestive tract. It is not water-soluble, and the body simply expels it. However, when taken via turmeric, the health benefits are measurable. The spice can be used in cooking or, for maximum benefit, consumed as a supplement. Nutritionists also recommend that people enhance turmeric’s effects with piperine, which boosts the bioavailability of the substance.

If you’re experiencing hair loss for any reason, and also want to promote overall wellness, anti-inflammatory benefits, and antioxidant activity in your body, make turmeric a key part of your diet.


Turmeric is a powerful, natural supplement to any regimen for hair regrowth and a healthy scalp. Studies show that it works well with substances such as minoxidil, the active ingredient in many hair growth products. This potent combination encourages hair follicles to turn on while diminishing the effects of autoimmune and inflammatory responses. Plus, turmeric promotes your overall well-being, which helps your body look and function better in all aspects. To enjoy the benefits of curcumin for hair regrowth and loss prevention, make turmeric part of your nutritional routine.


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ScalpMED believes that living a healthy lifestyle is one of the most critical factors in aiding successful hair regrowth and prevention. The ScalpMED Hair Regrowth & Thickening System in conjunction with living a health lifestyle, which includes: proper hydration, diet, sleep and supplementation will provide the best results possible.
