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Using Essential Oils for Hair Growth

Using Essential Oils for Hair Growth

If you are suffering hair damage or hair loss, one tactic you can try is to explore essential oils for hair. Essential oils have recently gained popularity and recognition for their numerous uses and remarkable benefits. One way in which essential oils are still undervalued is for their capabilities as a hair regrowth oil. If you are looking for an oil for hair loss, it is important to research the best hair oil for hair growth. Delving into the information available about various types of essential oils, how to use them, and their respective benefits can be a daunting task. To help you gain a foundational understanding about using essential oils for hair growth, we have put together a guide about how essential oils repair hair, how to use essential oils for hair growth, and the best hair oil for men and women experiencing hair loss or hair damage.

The Science Behind How Essential Oils Repair Hair

essential oils flowers natural

It may seem counterintuitive or strange to apply essential oils to your hair, but essential oils can make a tremendous difference in overall hair health and can help promote healthy hair growth. To understand how essential oils make this difference, it is important to understand where many people go wrong with taking care of their hair. The human scalp naturally produces a substance called sebum, which is an oily secretion. Sebum helps to hydrate the skin and protect each hair follicle on the surface of the scalp by forming a protective later over it that functions as a type of waterproofing. However, this process does not occur the same, or optimally, in every person. Some individuals may have a scalp that naturally produces less sebum, or may be unintentionally harming their scalp and hair health by using hair products that have chemicals in them or through other damaging hair habits. Other people may have a naturally dry or flaky scalp due to their skin type or overall health. Many people do not realize how many different factors affect hair health.

Individuals often unintentionally damage their hair in their daily hair care routine. Individuals are taught from a young age to wash their hair frequently to prevent it from becoming oily or dirty, but this has resulted in many people washing their hair too frequently and stripping it of its natural oils. The natural oils that your scalp produces are essential to having a healthy head of hair, and washing your hair too frequently leaves the hair much drier and prone to breakage. In addition, washing the hair too often can cause the hair to lose shine, luster, and may even result in a higher number of split ends due to the lack of natural oils. In addition, if the scalp is washed too frequently, as the natural oils are stripped away the scalp itself can become dry and flaky, leading to the presence of dandruff. Washing the hair too frequently is not the only habit that will lead to damaged hair. Many individuals style their hair each day with heated styling tools, which can inflict a significant amount of damage to the hair, subsequently drying the hair out and preventing the hair from growing quickly due to damage.

In addition to this, a large number of individuals do not realize the impact their diet has on their hair health. To grow properly, your hair relies on nutrients it receives from the body. There are many foods that help to promote healthy hair growth, increase hair luster and shine, and maximize overall hair health. For individuals with poor diets who are not eating the nutrients their body needs to function properly, their hair health will suffer as a result. If you are eating a diet that lacks the nutrition your body needs, your hair will be brittle, dry, thin, and will likely not grow or will grow very slowly as a result. There are many things that can affect how your hair grows and its health. With this understand of how your hair may being unintentionally damaged or adversely affected, it is now possible to examine how essential oils interact with the scalp and hair follicles to repair hair and promote healthy hair growth.

As mentioned above, a number of different factors, such as washing the hair too frequently or having a nutritional deficit, can lead to the hair becoming dry, frizzy, flaky, or itchy. By placing oils on the hair, the scalp can become moisturized and the hair follicles hydrated. However, the type of oil placed on the hair makes a difference. Essential oils are a concentrated essence of a plant. Essential oils are known for the myriad of medicinal properties they offer, and essential oils are often blended to make them optimally suited to provide a variety of benefits. There are numerous essential oils available, and each essential oil offers its own benefits based on what plant is it is derived from. Some essential oils may be better suited to treat hair loss, while others may be better tasked to get rid of dandruff. It is important to understand the most common essential oils used and their various benefits in order to select the essential oil that is most suited to your scalp and hair. All essential oils work by helping to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, which promotes healthy hair growth as a result. This is far from the only benefit essential oils offer, but it is the scientific reason underpinning their rapid rise to recognition as a method for combatting hair loss.

How to Use Essential Oils for Hair Growth

how to use essential oils

It is important to learn how best to use essential oils for hair growth prior to experimenting with them. Essential oils are extremely concentrated and highly potent, which means that they need to be used sparingly and should not be applied directly to the scalp. It may be harmful if you soak your hair in pure, essential oils because of how strong they are. However, essential oils can be applied to directly to the scalp when mixed with a suitable carrier oil. The carrier oil will help to mellow the essential oil, while also offering moisturizing and hair growth boosting properties of its own. Carrier oils are also typically sold in larger quantities than essential oils are, and are offered at a more cost-effective rate. Some of the most popular carrier oils include olive oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil. You can experiment to find the right carrier oil that works well with your hair type and try different essential oils to supplement the benefits of the carrier oil.

When mixing your carrier oil with the essential oil, it is important to adjust the amount of your carrier oil depending on what type of oil it is. On average, you will use roughly 2-4 tsp of carrier oil, mixed with 8-10 drops of essential oil to form a mask that you will then massage into your scalp and hair. Coconut oil is a very thick and viscous oil, so you may only use 2 tsp of coconut oil compared to 3 tsp of olive oil. The measurements required will fluctuate depending on your hair type, hair length, and hair thickness, but be sure to maintain the proper ratio of carrier oil to essential oil to get the most out of your treatment. Once the treatment has been applied to your scalp and hair, there are a variety of different tactics you can take to maximize your treatment. Individuals with thin hair may only want to let the treatment sit on their hair for fifteen to twenty minutes so that it does not leave their hair feeling too weighed down. Others may want to heat their oil treatment and wrap their hair in a hot towel to steam the oil into the follicles. Many individuals also experience success with putting a shower cap on around their head and leaving their treatment in overnight. No matter what method you select, it is important that you shampoo the oils out of your hair after your treatment is complete.

The Best Essential Oils for Hair Growth

essential oil bottles hair growth health

It is vital to keep in mind that not all essential oils have the same effect on hair. To find the right essential oils for your scalp and hair, it is important to research the different properties essential oils impart and their subsequent effect on the scalp and hair. For example, if an individual is suffering from greasy, oily hair, an essential oil that strips the hair of its oil build up would be beneficial. However, if an individual with a naturally dry, flaky scalp uses the same oil, it may make them experience dandruff and may worsen the dryness on their scalp. To help you determine the right essential oils to use on your hair, we have put together an overview of a handful of the best essential oils for hair growth and their associated benefits.

  • Lavender Essential Oil:Lavender essential oil is known for its distinct aroma. Lavender essential oil offers relaxation, stress relief, and a variety of different medicinal properties. When used in a scalp and hair treatment, lavender essential oil improves blood circulation, stimulates hair growth, and can help prevent hair loss. In addition, lavender essential oil moisturizes the hair follicles, which improves the luster and shine of hair. Lavender essential oil is ideal for use in individuals suffering from dandruff as it balances sebum production and moisturizes the scalp.
  • Thyme Essential Oil:Thyme essential oil is highly aromatic. It is important to note that thyme essential oil is particularly potent, so be sure to use it in moderation. When looking for the right thyme essential oil, target thyme linalool as it is gentle on the skin and is non-irritating. Thyme essential oil increases blood flow to the scalp, aids in the prevention of hair loss, and increases the production of healthy hair follicles.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil:Peppermint essential oil is a hybrid of peppermint and watermint and is among the most popular essential oils available. Peppermint essential oil has a calming, soothing, clean scent. When applied to the scalp and hair, peppermint essential oil cleanses the scalp and unclogs pores, which allows for the normal flow of skin cells. Because of this, peppermint essential oil is ideal for use on individuals suffering from a dry scalp. In addition, peppermint essential oil increases blood circulation on the scalp and help promote healthy hair growth.
  • Rosemary Essential Oil: Rosemary essential oil possesses a distinct aroma that is extremely powerful. Rosemary essential oil has a high number of antioxidants, which aid in preventing hair thinning or graying hair. In addition, rosemary essential oil helps to scale down sebum production, which is ideal for individuals who suffer from greasy or oily scalps. Rosemary essential oil also clears the pores on the surface of the scalp, which aids in reducing itchiness or the presence of dandruff on the scalp. Rosemary essential oil also increases blood circulation in the scalp and increases healthy hair growth.

How Scalp Med Can Help

Essential oils can be a useful tool in helping to improve hair health and stimulate hair growth, but for those suffering from significant hair loss, this natural remedy may not have the strength to reverse hair loss. If you are suffering from hair loss or hair thinning and are looking for a hair loss treatment that is scientifically proven to reverse hair loss due to both hereditary and non-hereditary factors, then essential oil treatments may not suffice on their own. Scalp Med is the only proven effective regimen shown to promote remarkable hair growth in ninety-five percent of users in just six months. Scalp Med is made with a moisturizing formula that helps to control the itchiness and irritation many hair regrowth treatments induce. Scalp Med is not tested on animals, contains no parabens or sulfates, and does not cause any sexual side effects. If you are looking to regrow your lost hair quickly and easily, then Scalp Med is the solution you have been looking for.
