You might think of hair loss as something that happens only to men, but that simply isn’t true. In fact, according to the American Hair Loss Association, 40 percent of those who suffer from hair loss are women.
The title of this post might be particularly alarming to you, especially if you yourself are a young woman, but the fact is that yes, not only women, but young woman, can and do lose their hair. It’s scary, frustrating, and pretty much every other negative emotion you can think of.
But before you panic, you should educate yourself on why hair loss happens and what you can do about it. Hair loss isn’t a death sentence; oftentimes not even for your hair. Let’s look at what causes hair loss in young women and a few solutions to help keep it minimal.
What causes hair loss in young females?
There are many causes for women’s hair loss, even at a young age. The reasons can range from genetics to more complex reasons like your diet. Here are a few of the common causes of hair loss in young women.
Female Pattern Hair Loss
Unfortunately, hair loss one of the hereditary causes for women’s hair loss. So, if you happen to come from a family that has a lot of hair loss, you are inherently more susceptible to lose your hair as well. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as female pattern hair loss, is the most common form of hair loss in women, affecting 30 million women in the U.S., according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
Female pattern hair loss works in almost the opposite fashion of male pattern baldness. With men, the hairline generally recedes, while women will maintain their hair line. In female pattern hair loss, hair loss starts with a thinning at the top and crown of your head and spreads outwards from there. The hair follicles will become smaller and produce shorter, thinner and more brittle hairs. Eventually, they will stop producing any hair at all. Again, unlike hair loss in men, female pattern hair loss rarely results in total baldness.
Fluctuating Hormone Levels
A woman’s hormone levels will change at different stages in your life, which cause be a cause of hair loss. Fluctuating estrogen levels can cause your hair to thin and fall out. This is sometimes gradual, but others can see immediate hair loss.
Stress can shock your hair follicles, which causes them to push out faster than normal. Severe stress can cause telogen effluvium, which is more than normal hair loss, and trichotillomania, which is the term for when a person pulls their own hair out.
Labor puts a large amount of stress on a woman’s body. Many will notice hair loss post pregnancy. This is very common and not a cause for concern, as your hair will typically grow back within a few months of giving birth.
Eating Disorders
Hair loss is a common side effect of eating disorders because the person isn’t consuming enough protein. Your body will shut down the production of hair if the necessary nutrients aren’t arriving at the follicles.
Over Styling
All the washing, brushing and styling can cause severe damage to your hair, especially if you are using heat products, or often pull your hair tightly when you style it. Curling, straightening and blow drying are all damaging to your hair. Consider letting your hair go natural, and do not wash it every day.
What you can to do at home to fight hair loss
If the causes of your hair loss are non-hereditary, then there are slight modifications you can make to your life to promote healthy hair growth.
For starters, many oral contraceptives can cause some degree of hair loss. You should ask your doctor for a non-hormonal type of birth control. You should also maintain a healthy diet that is high in protein and vitamin C. Cortisone pills are good supplements to add to your diet, and always be sure to drink lots of water.
When it comes to styling, avoid using heat products as much as you can, and try to massage your scalp when you shower to promote blood flow. Exercise daily to manage your stress and try applying aloe vera gel or other natural oils to promote a healthy scalp.
These suggestions just scratch the surface on things you can do for your hair loss. For more tips on the causes of hair loss in women under 30 and what you can do about it, please see our previous post to get everything you need to know.